Easy Methods to Let Chickens Continue to Lay Eggs

Yudi Anto


Free-range chickens are the type of chicken that is in great demand for both meat and eggs. Residents themselves know him as a free-range chicken, because this type of chicken typically lives in villages or villages. Therefore, the feeding is also fairly natural and far from chemicals. As is widely used in laying hens and boiler chickens. Therefore, in terms of health, this free-range chicken is relatively very comfortable to eat. So it is not surprising that the increase in market demand for native chicken is quite large. Of course, this provides a business opportunity for you in the form of cultivating native chickens which in fact will be profitable. But this time we want to talk about the benefits of free-range chicken eggs, and how to do it so that native chickens can continue to make eggs without stopping. Country Chicken Eggs

Eggs are an easy source of protein. There are 2 types of eggs that are generally eaten by residents, namely native chicken eggs and state chickens. As the name implies, free-range chicken eggs are produced by native chickens. according to mitrausahatani, the eggs produced by free-range chickens have a brightly patterned shell, which tends to be creamy white.

The dimensions of free-range chicken eggs are usually smaller than country chicken eggs, which are around 27-56 grams per egg. The color of the chicken egg yolk is more orange in color. The thick color of the chicken egg yolk makes it a mainstay for making cakes or sponge cakes.

The color of the egg white is clear and clear with a thicker texture than the egg white of a country chicken. This is the reason why the egg whites of native chickens become very hard when boiled for a long time.

A study from North Carolina University shows that free-range chicken eggs have more monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) than country chicken eggs. In general, 1 free-range chicken egg has nutrients such as 150 calories of energy, 13 protein, 10 grams of fat, and 1.5 grams of carbohydrates. Other nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin E, and omega-3 in free-range chicken eggs are determined by the type of feed and the environment.

method so that native chickens continue to lay eggs without stopping

Raising and cultivating free-range chickens are often found in rural residents who have large yards. Understandably, native chickens have a 'blusukan' routine or roam near yards, gardens, parks and near homes to find food. Compared to chicken pieces or broiler chickens, raising native chickens is actually a bit complicated. Moreover, native chickens can only lay eggs at certain times. Even more difficult, the number of eggs can be counted on the fingers.

the fastest chicken method lays eggs, the free-range chicken method continues to lay eggs For various sources, native chickens can only lay up to 12 eggs only. It is conceivable, if you keep native chickens for sale and take the benefits in the form of eggs, surely not so much results can be obtained. However… but this is ancient. In the era of advanced livestock technology. Researchers have begun to improve ways to make native chickens lay eggs non-stop. The expertise of native chickens to be active in laying eggs and making more eggs cannot be separated from the position of developers and researchers in the field of animal husbandry.

What is the method of making native chickens lay eggs without stopping? Here's the secret… Preparing good broodstock The quality of the broodstock to be used as experimental animals must be of sufficient age and quality. The age of female native chickens should be 4 to 6 months. Meanwhile, male free-range chickens are around 8 to 10 months old. Even better if the female native chicken does not come from the same parent as the male.

Maintenance position

Local free-range chickens are generally displayed or allowed to roam near their homes. That said, many residents and breeders believe that if free-range chicken is exposed or allowed to roam, the meat will be more delicious. However, not a few of the native chicken breeders place the native chickens that are kept in a cage.


It's just that, in the morning, free-range chickens will be released from the cage for some time so that they can get morning sunlight. Fulfillment of protein nutrition The provision of nutrition in the form of concentrates, bran and protein is very important in order to produce quality eggs and support greater reproductive skills. Just add the minced snail meat or rice field snails to the free-range chicken feed.

Cage preparation If you see the characteristics of a female free-range chicken that is worried and wants to lay eggs, immediately quarantine it and place it in a different cage with dry straw.
  1. Day 1, allow the eggs to always be in the nest
  2. Day 2, when the hen is about to lay another egg, take the egg on day 1
  3. Day 3, take eggs on day 2, and leave a new egg And so on, until the mother hen finishes laying eggs for 30 days.

Generally per day, a native hen can create 1 egg. Eggs that are successfully collected can be eaten alone as herbal medicine or sold again to the market. From earlier, which could only lay 12 eggs a month, now hens can lay up to 30 eggs a month.

To maintain good and quality egg laying skills, provide adequate and mixed nutrients in chicken feed. Can be in the form of corn, bran, bran, and so on. Drinks for native chickens can also be mixed with betel leaf which has antiseptic or germ-killing properties and helps protect the immune system of chickens so they are not susceptible to disease.




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Produksi Telur | Satu Data NTB. https://data.ntbprov.go.id/dataset/produksi-telur. Accessed 1 Dec. 2021.

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DISPERTAN.BANTENPROV.GO.ID | BUDIDAYA AYAM PETELUR SKALA RUMAH TANGGA. https://dispertan.bantenprov.go.id/lama/read/artikel/748/BUDIDAYA-AYAM-PETELUR-SKALA-RUMAH-TANGGA.html. Accessed 1 Dec. 2021.


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